We started Open Science Workshops in order to bring open source techniques to the science community. We want to show that it is possible to do open science now, and help everyone explore all the really excellent tools out there that aid the research process and promote openness.
Contribute to the betterment of the world by making it easier for people to do science; i.e. make it easy to replicate results, understand results, collaborate, and build upon existing work.
Check out the longer term goals if you want more detail.
Most recent event
Head over to the GitHub wiki Summary of the July 2014 Melbourne Open Science Workshop for details. You will find the previous agenda there.
The hashtag was #OpenScienceMelb.
Next event
Stay tuned by joining the mailing list below, or watching the GitHub repositories: osw-material and OpenScienceWorkshops.github.io.
Why should you attend?
You should attend because the open source world is freely providing many amazing tools that can directly help with the research process! In particular, they can help with the organisation of work, efficiency of collaboration, and general enjoyment of life! You will also get the opportunity to meet and interact with a bunch of open and interesting people with a shared passion for open science!
Event sponsors
We would like to thank the following organisations for sponsoring the July 2014 workshop, and helping keep it completely free!
Sign up to a newsletter
This newsletter will be used to advertise future events, and for no other purpose. You can also just subscribe to the blog below (but that may contain more announcements.)
Who is behind this?
Check out the about page for more information on this! The bottom line is - we all are! Let's all work together to get wider adoption of open source software and attitudes in the sciences and in society at large!